Week 2 w.b. 07.11.2022

Year 1 joined the school today on a Pilgrimage of Remembrance around the classrooms; they were thoughtful and respectful throughout. Thank you to those families who have sent in a picture of a past loved ones as we are including them in our prayers.

Year 1 have learnt about Remembrance this week and the importance of Memorials and poppies as lasting symbols.

In Maths Year 1 have continued to solve number problems with missing wholes and parts. Mathletics has been set to consolidate this learning.

In phonics Year 1 have been applying their Phase 4 knowledge in various different activities. Assessments have been carried out and they are excited to begin Phase 5 sounds next week.

Year 1 have continued to learn about Farmer Duck in English and learnt to add adjectives to their writing to increase the description and enjoyment for the reader. They shared lovely adjectives to describe the exhausted and fed up duck. Home learning has been set to support the understanding of adjectives.

Here is a suitable BBC Bitesize reference on adjectives to explore with your child.



Enjoy the dry weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Monday,

Miss Lambie