Thursday, 7th May, 2020

Good Morning Year 4!

As tomorrow is a bank holiday, no learning will be uploaded. However, tomorrow is a VERY important day.  Tomorrow, Friday 8th May, people all over the UK and in other countries of the world will turn their thoughts and attention to the 75th anniversary of VE day. This very important and historical day, back in 1945, marked the end of World War II in Europe. You have been focusing your learning on VE day this week.  I have put together a range of activities for you to try on a project planner – choose as many activities as you want to! There is something for all ages so have a go and don’t forget to share your learning! Have a wonderful day celebrating.

At 9am on 8th May, The Queen will address the nation and there will be a live stream on BBC – which is the exact same time that her father, King George VI, spoke to the UK 75 years ago, on the actual VE Day.

At 11am there will be a two minute silence to remember and thank those who fought for our freedom.

Send onto me pictures of the things that you do!!

Let’s have a look at what you have been up to:  thank you to Phoebe, Lottie, Darcie-Louise and William for posting photos to share their learning with you.  Great postcards!  Telling the time in french and preparing for a VE Tea party – great work!

Click here for the resources to assist you for today’s learning:

VE-Day-project planner Year 4

VE Day At home party pack recipes and ideas

VE DAY powerpoint

Click here for today’s learning   Click here for yesterday’s

Maths : focus on decimals

Activity 1 and Video 1                      Click here for worksheet        here for answer sheet


If you find this a challenge try Video 2 and Activity sheet 2 below

Click here for worksheet and here for the answer sheet