School Parliament
Our School Parliament is made up of our House Captains, Fairtrade Leaders and Liturgy Leaders from Year 6.
In addition we have Fairtrade and Liturgy representatives from Years 3 to 5 who all take a role in representing their class in meetings.
The group meets regularly to make decisions about fund raising activities, to make suggestions about school events and to raise any issues that pupils would like considered to further develop the school.
House Captains
Our school is divided into 4 Houses. These Houses are named after Saints which have historically been associated with the school or Parish.
St Vincent is the name of our Parish Church.
St Francis was the name of the original Parish Church in Southgate Road Potters Bar
St Louise was the name of the Vincentian Parish Church in Southgate, Road Potters Bar, which was built when the church of St Francis was bombed in 1945.
St Bernadette was one of the class saints in Pope Paul School when it first opened in 1967.
Each House has a teacher as House President and 2 Year 6 pupils as House Captains.
Throughout the year the Houses work together to fund raise, earn House Points for good behaviour and to represent their House at our annual Sports Day.