Summer 2 Week 4

This week the children have worked hard to finish their Egyptian stories based on the novel The Egyptian Cinderella. I have been so impressed with their use noun phrases and description. It has also been wonderful to see how they have used their historical knowledge in their stories. In History, the children have also investigated where, why and how pyramids were made. During Art they created their own Egyptian necklaces.

In cricket the class have focused on their battling skills – trying hard to strike into space.

During Maths the children have been using arrays and grouping to divide and multiply.

In RSE we have explored what community means and how our family, friends, school and Church community help us feel loved and closer to God.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Pringle

Home learning

Spelling –

Read theory – please spend 20 minutes on the comprehension quizzes and log this in your reading records.
French  – please spend 20 minutes on Duolingo passwords can be found on google classroom.