Summer 1 Week 5
This week was Spirituality week. on Monday we wrote a prayer for our prayer partner in Year 2. Then we met them in the Peace Garden and read our prayers to each other. On Tuesday, some of the Year 5 children led us in the Rosary. On Wednesday, we went on a nature walk to appreciate God’s world. On Thursday, we went to church for the feast of Ascension and then walked through the peace garden at church. Then the children took part in some prayer stations led by the Year 5 children.
In Maths, we have been learning to divide by sharing and grouping. The children have been using multiplication facts to support them when solving division questions. They have also been demonstrating an understanding of the problem by drawing a bar model.
In PE , we learnt how to serve in tennis. I was impressed with the children’s tennis skills.
In English, we finished watching Taking Flight, an adventure story. The children imagined they were one of the characters and wrote a diary entry using fronted adverbials.
In Design and Technology. The children practised cutting nets and making boxes in preparation for making their own magic box.
Year 3 took part in a Science workshop, the made sweets and slime.
Home Learning
Please send in a photo of the children on their First Holy Communion Day.
Spellings | Spelling shed
science, scene, discipline, fascinate, crescent, scissors, ascend, scented, scenery, descend |
Maths | Mathletics and timetables rockstars |
Reading | Children to record some sentences about their reading book in their reading record. |
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Carey