Reception Week Beginning 9.1.23
Happy New Year!
Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and restful break.
It was lovely to see the children and their families on Monday morning. The whole class have returned to school healthy, happy and with a great attitude towards their learning!
Reception began their week by learning about the Epiphany. They thought about what gift they will give to the world this year and made crowns, which they wore to the special whole school Epiphany assembly.
Our new whole class learning focus this half term is, Time- Past, Present and Future. This week the children have been thinking about the story ‘What’s the Time Mr Wolf?’ by Debbie Gilori.
You can watch the Debbie Gilori reading her book here:
The children went on to think about the best and worst time they have ever had. They also made clocks and watches from a variety of materials, they learnt about day and night and discussed the things they do as part of their daily routine. They had lots of fun playing the game ‘What’s the Time Mr Wolf?’ too.
The weather has not been at all kind to us this week, so as soon as it was dry enough on Thursday, we took the maths lesson outside onto the KS2 playground. The children have been learning about the composition of the number five and had lots of fun using the hoops and beanbags to find different ways of making the number. The children learnt how to say a number sentence and some children even wrote some number sentences down, when they got back to class.
It looks like we are due to have a very cold week next week. Please ensure that your child is dressed warmly and in particular has a named hats and pair of gloves.
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
The Reception Team