October 8th, 2021
I’ve been really pleased to read so many biographies of famous people that the children have clearly spent a lot of time and effort researching and writing. We look forward as a class to hearing more about the person each child has chosen and for some of the children who shared their research today, learning more about their inspirational life and legacy. Those shared today were written on St Joan of Arc, Christopher Columbus, Martin Luther King, Jr and Mother Teresa.
In English today the children worked in pairs and researched and worked on a presentation on the life of Mary Anning. Within this activity they learned to cluster information and use cohesion throughout their presentation in order to effectively engage the audience.
In maths this week we have been learning more about negative numbers and how they can be shown and interpreted in different ways in graphs and tables. In English we’re beginning to develop and write our own biography of Mary Anning, a famous Palaeontologist who lived over two hundred years ago. We are learning how to write sentences that capture the readers attention, having examined the structure and features within the biographies of other people. Not to mention the work the children have done in researching someone themselves.
In Science we’ve continued our learning about animals, examining what some animals have in common but also how they are different. In PE we’ve been developing our throwing and catching skills, and having a lot of fun.
It was lovely to see some of you at the Year 5 Maths Parents Workshop this week. The power point shared will be uploaded onto the Year 5 Class Page under the tab ‘Maths’.
Home Learning for this week:
Spellings: this week the focus is homophones.
aloud, allowed, herd, heard, here, hear, which, witch, whether, weather, past, passed.
Mathletics and Hit the Button. Please log on and complete the activities set in Mathletics and practice your 7 and 8 times tables using ‘Hit the Answer’. Can you improve upon your personal best?
Read Theory
Please log onto Read Theory and complete 5 comprehension activities. Please also update your reading logs with details about your current reading book.
Be ready to present your reading records during your guided reading session.
I have also uploaded some work onto Study Ladder with a focus on spellings. Have a go at the ‘i before e’ activity and the ‘y to i’ activity.
Wishing you all a good weekend,
Mr. Holmes