Monday 27th April, 2020

Good Morning Year 4!

We hope that you have had an enjoyable and relaxing weekend.

Last week, it was lovely to hear from you. You have all made a great start to the summer term!

Well done and keep it up! It has been especially great to see your pictures showing what you have been up to.  Keep sending us more!

Aidan has developed his culinary skills further by making soup and baking and decorating a delicious cake!


William P, Joseph and Aidan have shared their playscript work…….they even acted it out!

Aidan’s Playscript click here


Darcie-Louise worked hard on her Maths problem on Friday….having many attempts to make her square add to 100!

Sandro has been busy with his artwork and wanted to share this with you:  he has created Iron Bat and has done other drawings too.

Iron Bat     

We also hope that you are practising your times tables as much as possible.  Were there any personal best timings?

A reminder: you can keep in contact with us by sending an email to:

Continue to try your best in doing your learning each day. Remember, read through each activity for today’s learning and keep your handwriting neatly presented as you complete each task.

You need this information today to help you:

Click here for today’s learning.

Look below to see other ideas to try – there are activities for Design and Technology, Geography, Art and Computing.  Click on the ideas sheets for these activities:

Ideas Sheet 1              Ideas Sheet 2

Also, we have included the ideas from last week for you to do:  Create, Do and Investigate!  Many children tried these and there was great feedback from them on this….so if you haven’t had a chance to look at this yet, please do so some time this week.

Things for you to try at home if you have time : Have a look!

Get Creative!    Click here for ideas!

Do!                           Click here for ideas!

Investigate:   Click here for ideas!




Mathletic Accounts have been updated and we are checking your Read Theory Accounts regularly.  Don’t forget that you can log onto the Oxford Reading Owl website to read a book of your choice. 


We’d love to see all the great learning the children are doing at home.

A way to share this with the class is to take a photo of your child’s work and email it to us!