Week 5

Another busy week in Year 3. In Maths, we have continued learning and applying mental strategies for subtracting.

In English we have begun learning about non-chronological reports and using non-fiction books to research different sports. We have been learning about the features of a non-fiction text.

On Wednesday, it was  the feast day Candlemas. We made candles to remember Jesus is the light of the world.

In Science, we have been learning about fossils and the children made their own fossils using salt dough and shells. Then we printed fossils using cardboard and paint.

In Music the children learnt to sing a song called Banana Mango and make music on different parts of their body.

On Tuesday we are going to Celtic Harmony. Children should wear their school PE Kit. They need to bring a packed lunch or contact the office if you need a school packed lunch. Please be in school on time.

Home Learning

Complete 2 read theory activities.

The children have been given a username and password for timetables rock. Please login and try to complete at least half an hour a week of time tables.

Spellings – https://spellingframe.co.uk/

careful, careless, carefully, carelessly, painful, painless, painfully, painlessly, thoughtful, thoughtless, thoughtfulness, thoughtlessness

To celebrate the Queens Platinum Anniversary please create a learning poster on A4 paper, that includes facts and pictures about the Queen and her reign.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey