Year 2 Blog 13-11-2020

This week Year 2 took part in the whole school virtual Remembrance Assembly. It was very special to come together and pray for those who lost their lives serving their countries and for our loved ones who are no longer with us. May they rest in peace. Amen

In Maths we have been learning all about balancing and rebalancing. The children have been looking at rebalancing number sentences. The children identified the number in their calculation that was near a friendly number (multiple of ten) and used a bead string to rebalance their calculation.

In English we have turned our attention to fairy tales. We have been looking at the tale of Rapunzel. The children generated plenty of amazing adjectives to describe Rapunzel in Beth Woolvin’s version of this tale.

Rapunzel is an adventurous, brave and crafty character.  The children thought carefully about what the witch says in the story. They had great fun role-playing the wicked, nasty witch from this tale.

Home Learning:

Spellings week 2

Mathletics: Problems – Add and Subtract, Adding to 2-digit numbers

Study ladder: I’d like to fly – Narrative, Synonyms 2:1

Wishing you all a peaceful weekend,

Miss Davey