Week 7: 8th June

This week has been a busy one ending with a wonderful afternoon with Mass and the Blessed Sacrament procession to Our Lady and St Vincent’s church.
On top of the usual curriculum work, we have been preparing in our RE,  activities based around the Blessed Sacrament. During our class worship the children have been very reflective and have recognised the many words that are used such as Holy Communion, Eucharist, Blessed Sacrament, Tranformed, etc…

On Friday morning, the children have begun the first of their lessons for the remainder of the summer term in drumming. The sound of the drums showed its popularity with the children as they were able to create an unusually wide range of pitches and learnt that the sounds were created by striking different areas of the djembe skin with their hands.

Homework is:
English – to write up a newspaper article based on the mass and procession that they were part of.
Maths – log onto Mathletics
Spag – this will be the grammar homework for the next two weeks as it is a Grammar paper for the children to complete.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara

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