Busy Year 3
Year 3 have been very busy this week improving their handwriting, applying their maths knowledge and developing their scientific skillsIn maths they have used their rounding, estimating and measuring skills to solve tricky problems.
They have also been carefully observing differnt rocks, making notes about textures and patterns. They have also learnt how the 3 main rock types (igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary) are made – our starburst experiment was quite a hit!
We also now have a playtime science box, which children can use to follow their own lines of enquiry – it has been fascinating to see what they have found.
I hope you enjoy researching famous rocks around the world. I look forward to seeing your information posters.
The children’s dodging skills are really improving in P.E. and they have learnt many new dodging games.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Pringle.