Week 2: 27th April

This week, we have continued writing our newspaper reports about The Road to Emmaus.  The children have been editing their writing and learning to read their reports to an audience.  They visited the children in Year 3 –  sharing their news reports and listening to those that their partners (from Year 3) had written.  The classroom was a buzz of excitement and myself and Miss Pringle watched with delight on how the children interacted and spoke proudly about their writing.

In Maths we have continued with our work on fractions and in Science, we have continued to record what is happening to the ‘our eggs’ that have been immersed in various liquids (coffee, tea, red bull etc).  The children are fascinated about what effects these have on the enamel of their teeth.

In PE we are now learning Tennis and the children enjoyed learning team games this week.

On Monday, we celebrated St Georges Day –many of the children came to school in their Brownie, Cubs and Scout uniforms! It was lovely to learn about St George from the wonderful Year 1 Assembly on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend.

Spelling Homework: – ous words

Maths: Mathletics

SPAG: Log onto Spag.com

please encourage your child to read and update their logs.


Mrs McNamara and Ms Varga

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