Friday 28th September, 2024
Another busy week in Year 6!
We have continued with our work on 3D shapes and spent time looking at reasoning questions that challenged our spatial awareness!
In RE we have been looking at the fourth source of Revelation: Scripture. The children spent time looking at the bible for their favourite story and discussing how God is revealed in it. The plethora of wonderful stories was lovely to hear about….some of them were: Jesus Heals the Blind Man, the Healing of the Lepers, the Good Samaritan etc.. For our work on Human Experiences, the children examined picture books and how the message of God is conveyed through the stories told. The children talked about how these books were full of loveable characters, playful stories, and beautiful illustrations – all ways of how God reveals himself to us.
In English, we have been developing our character knowledge. Year 6 have identified character motives and have discussed how their opinions of them changed from the first few chapters.
The highlight of the week was meeting our reading partners this afternoon. It was the first time some of the Reception children were able to join us in our classroom. The children were great role models and shared books beautifully.
We have been busy preparing for our class mass which is going to be celebrated by Fr Shaun and Deacon Sean on Wednesday 2nd October at 9am. Please note the time of 9am.
October 2nd is the Feast of the Guardian Angels.
You are warmly invited to attend this mass.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines
Home Learning:
Spelling Shed
Please encourage your child to read quietly or with an adult (at least 15 minutes a day).