Summer 2 Week 3

This week the children have written and illustrated wonderful poems about The Iron Man.

We have explored food types and how to keep healthy in Science and in Topic we have learnt about and created our own Egyptian Cartouche’s.

The children have also been learning what it means to be virtuous in RE and have carried out good deeds in other classes, including reading to reception and making book marks for everyone in year 4.

It was lovely to see so many people at the Adoration Mass on Friday, the children were very reverent.

Next week we will be making models and collages of The Iron Man – if possible please could your child bring in a cardboard box or tube as well as some newspaper. Thank you in advance.

Have a restful weekend,

Miss Pringle


Home Learning:

Spelling – Homophones

heel, heal, he’ll, pane, pain, reign, rain, rein, plain, plane, grown, groan.


Please hear your child read and sign their reading records. 

Please complete the task set online by Wednesday