Summer 2 w.b. 04.07.2022
In R.E. Year 1 acted out the story of The Good Samaritan and tried hard to understand the message Jesus gave when he told it. They then tried hard to re-tell the story in their own words.
Year 1 have moved onto whole class reading sessions in preparation for Year 2 and have really enjoyed exploring ‘The Gingerbread Bread Man’ especially when they ate him at the end!
The children enjoyed learning about wild and common plants in Science this week; they made fantastic investigators and identified many plants.
They used all the fallen leaves and petals to create a perfume station so they didn’t go to waste and of course the snails got involved too…
In maths the children are beginning to learn o’clock and half past times. Please use Mathletics to support this learning further.
Please see the Phonics home learning pack in their bags for the sounds learnt this week; they’re getting trickier and trickier but they are all doing so well!
P.E. kits for Monday (P.E. Tennis) and Tuesday (seaside) next week.
Reading books and reading records will be collected in from Monday 11th July and guided reading extracts will be sent home instead. This will enable us to gather the reading assessments and records to pass on to Year 2. Year 1 will continue with their daily class guided reading sessions until the last week of school rather than individual readers.
Enjoy the hot weekend,
Miss Lambie
Seaside trip for Tuesday
- leaving school at 9am and expect to return to school at 3.15pm.
- Please give consent and payment via schoolcomms.
- The children will need to bring a packed lunch – no glass bottles or fizzy drinks, and no nuts please.
- Children should wear their School PE kit.
- Please put their lunch, a small hand towel and hat in a small backpack/rucksack that they can carry themselves.
- The weather will be hot so please don’t forget to apply sunscreen before they leave home.