Spring 2, Week 1


The class have worked very well this week, focusing on column addition and exchanging. Next week in maths we will be moving onto column subtraction.

Our whole school writing focus, based on the book The Tin Forest, is well underway. This week we have explored the feelings of the main character and collected adjectives to describe the setting. I am really looking forward to starting our stories next week.

To mark the beginning of Lent we have made Lenten promises and visited Church on Ash Wednesday for Mass. The class have been very reflective and are taking their promises very seriously.

Thank you for your generous cardboard and tin foil donations – we have created some fantastic models of the animals in The Tin Forest.

Home learning:

  1. Spelling – suffixes beginning with a vowel (ed, ing, er).

gardener, gardening, limited, limiting, offering, offered, benefited, benefitting, focused, focusing.   

      2. Mathletics activities have been set.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Pringle