Friday, 28th April 2023

The children in Year 4, moved on to adding and subtracting fractions beyond whole using bar models and consolidated that learning in different playful ways throughout the week, for example by creating their own board games.  In English, they practiced using causal conjunctions and prepositions to sequence their explanations whilst also thinking about possible inventions for their final piece.

In Science, the class looked at appliances running on electricity and thought about what electricity changes in those (sound, light, heat or movement). In RE, they compared Luke’s and Matthew’s accounts of the Resurrection, interpreting their beliefs with an understanding of their audience.

In tennis, the children moved on to back-hand hits and in Computing, they debugged their codes for writing their initials in Logo. We also started decorating our classroom ahead of the Coronation and will complete lots of activities related to that monumental event next week.

On Wednesday, 3rd May we will participate in workshops to celebrate National Sports Day, so please come in your full PE kits . Also on Friday, 5th May, the children will celebrate the Coronation in school, therefore they are invited to wear red, white and blue for the day.

(Apologies for the lack of photographs this week, I am experiencing some technical issues.)

I hope you have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning:

Please see the attached Whole School home learning: Whole School Home Learning