Good Morning Y3,
I hope you are well. Thank you for your messages and for sharing your learning with me. I’ve really loved seeing your ‘flat photos’ and all the things you are enjoying, while at home.
Here is today learning;
Continue to learn this week’s spelling and explore other words with a short /u/ sound spelt with ‘ou’ on spellzone. https://www.spellzone.com/word_lists/list-520457.htm |
Open this document and correct the tenses. Don’t forget to complete the challenge too.
correct the tense sentence wk3 I will post the answers tomorrow for you to self mark your writing. |
Log your daily reading in your reading record and then using the Morse code alphabet, try to read the secret message.
Morse code was used in WWII to send messages. It is written using dots, dashes and spaces instead of numbers, punctuation and letters of the alphabet. Using this Morse code key try to read the Morse code message. You might like to create your own Morse code messages and see if someone in your family can read them.
Mathletics |
I have set some 3D shape activities for today’s maths. Please visit this website to support your learning. https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-are-the-properties-of-2d-and-3d-shapes Remember that faces are the flat parts of the shape. The edges are the lines where two faces meet. The vertices are the points where two or more edges meet. |
History / English
WALT understand what evacuation means and write a diary entry. |
What is an evacuee? What would life have been like for evacuees? Write a diary entry as if you were an evacuee?
Use these links and my example to help you. http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/war/evacuation.htm https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/history-ks2-an-evacuees-adventure/zk7hy9q |