19.2.18 – 23.2.18

We have had a very busy start to the term. In maths we have continued to learn about fractions and have been applying our multiplication knowledge to find fractions of amounts. Saracens rugby club have also visited us this week, teaching us the basics of rugby and linking it to maths, which was great fun.

In science we have been learning about and investigating magnetism. Maybe this weekend you could investigate what items in your house are magnetic.

We have finished our big write in English and look forward to sharing them with you at parents evening. The children have also been given a pen pal from St Christopher international school in  Penang, Malaysia! They have drafted their first letters and I will send them on Monday. We are all very excited about receiving our letters.

In RE the children have been preparing for Lent by making their Lenten promises and reflecting on how we can help others. We have also spoken about reconciliation in class too as many of the class are taking this next step towards their Holy Communion this weekend.

Enjoy your weekend and don’t forget your P.E. kits on Monday please.

Miss Pringle

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