February 23rd
This week in Year 4 we have begun our English writing using ‘The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe’ by CS Lewis. The children have engaged really well with this book and we look forward to the wonderful writing to come.
In RE we took our Lenten Promises and put them on our beautiful Lenten Tree which was made by Mrs Burgess who has been assisting us with our Willow Sculptures.
In Maths, we have continued with our work on decimals and started work on money doing addition and subtraction.
In PE the children enjoyed a gymnastics lesson using sequences and floor work with a partner. On Wednesday, dressed in their comfortable tracksuits and trainers, they enjoyed the first of their Saracens sessions with the focus being Maths and Rugby.
In Guided Reading we looked at the history behind Shrove Tuesday and also how various countries around the world celebrate it.
This week in Year 4 we have begun our English writing using ‘The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe’ by CS Lewis. The children have engaged really well with this book and we look forward to the wonderful writing to come.
In RE we took our Lenten Promises and put them on our beautiful Lenten Tree which was made by Mrs Burgess who has been assisting us with our Willow Sculptures.
In Maths, we have continued with our work on decimals and started work on money doing addition and subtraction.
In PE the children enjoyed the first gymnastics lesson using sequences and floor work with a partner. On Wednesday, dressed in their comfortable tracksuits and trainers, they enjoyed the first of their Saracens sessions with the focus being Maths and Rugby.
In Guided Reading the children looked at the history of Shrove Tuesday and they learnt how Christians all over the world celebrate this special day.