Spring Term Week 6 wb 07.02.22
Thank you to Reception class for sharing their assembly on St. Valentines with us all this morning. Year 1 have been thinking about how to show love and kindness in our school and have taken the snowflakes off their season tree to make way for kindness hearts after half term.
Our R.E. learning this week was a reflective task on looking at how we show God’s work and ways in our everyday lives. The children enjoyed the activity which saw old pictures of themselves doing God’s work which they had to label. This brings our topic of ‘Being a sacramental People’ to an end and the children have been using the liturgical year wheel to understand which season the church will be entering soon.
Year 1 worked so creatively and collaboratively during their P.E. gymnastics unit this term. They were able to perform their routines for their partners with controlled spins and balances. They we were then challenged to maintain this control as they balanced on the apparatus. They were so excited to use the apparatus for the first time and were very safe and controlled in doing so.
Year 1 tried really hard this week to solve subtraction word and picture problems using the methods they have learned. They know how to subtract by count back, using number bonds, using a number line and concrete objects on their tens frame. We challenged ourselves to subtract with money too. The children priced themselves up, then put themselves on sale and waited to see which child had the correct money to purchase them- they rather enjoyed this activity!
After half term we will be working with greater numbers and exploring how many tens and ones they are made up of and how we can use our number bonds to apply to calculating these greater numbers. Please continue to encourage the mental number bond learning at home.
Enjoy your half term break and stay safe,
Miss Lambie
Home learning
Formal home learning is not set during the holidays but you may continue to support your children through their daily reading, number bond fluency and handwriting.