Reception Week 4

We have been blessed with beautiful weather this week and so we have spent most of the time learning outdoors.

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The children were very excited to begin learning letter sounds and have had lots of fun doing so.

010 013 014 017 021 024 026 030 036 039 040 045 046 082 102 104 111 128 129 299

Thank you for supporting your child by completing the phonics home learning and sharing their reading book every night. It really does make a huge difference to the progress they make. You will notice that we do not send home any letter sound on a Friday. Instead, we ask that you find a little time over the weekend to revise any previously learnt sounds.

In RE this week, we have been focussing on being unique and celebrating differences. The children drew self portraits after using mirrors to look at their own physical features.

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We also spent some time learning about St Vincent de Paul and enjoyed watching the Year 4 tell his story in assembly this morning.

It was lovely to have a visit from Amelia this afternoon and to give her the card that the children had made for her. Everyone was so pleased to see her!


Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team