Friday 28th April 2023

Year 6 have continued with their revision programme and have been pleased with the progress they have made. Well done to the whole class for maintaining such great focus throughout the activities.

On Tuesday, Year 6 took part in a PE session with Miss Pringle where they developed their rounders skills. On Thursday the children created animal masks, with Mrs Poyiadzis showing them how to make it as realistic as possible.

In RE, the children looked at Mathew’s account of the Resurrection and described the beliefs we gain from it.

This week, there is a whole school home learning task so please look for details in the newsletter. We were unable to complete our weekly spelling test today, as we completed the 2018 SPaG paper. Children should continue to practise these words and they will be tested on Wednesday.

Wishing you a wonderful long weekend

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara

Tuesday morning maths enrichment will go ahead. There will be no afternoon enrichment next week.