Autumn 1 Week 4

We have sequenced, planned  and written the beginning of our own Rapunzel stories, where we have used speech, adjectives and conjunctions. Next week we will finish, edit and publish these stories.

In Maths, we have continued learning about partitioning but have also begun to find equivalent calculations – we will continue with this next week.

In Geography we have identified different geographical features of Antarctica, while in RE we have learnt about St Vincent de Paul.

We also enjoyed scootability this week, where we learnt the skills and knowledge to ride safely.

Home learning.


Please read over the weekend and sign your reading record.

Art project 

Please research the artist Andy Goldsworthy and create your own outdoor art inspired by him this weekend. Think about what your can find in your local environment to use. Please bring in a few items you have found that you would like to add to a group project next Wednesday.


Please use the free app – hit the button to revise number bonds to 10 and 20 and well as the 2, 5 and 10 timetables.