Autumn 1 Week 2

Our first full week in Reception! You will have some very tired children this weekend. The children are learning the class routines well and beginning to remember some of their friend’s names.

This week, we have been learning to sit on the carpet and show good listening by looking at the person talking and taking turns to speak.

The children have been exploring the classroom by building with different resources, creating wonderful art pieces with paints and collage and demonstrating their cutting skills. The children have been dressing up and role-playing in the home corner.

Outside they have been exploring the playground, learning to climb safely on our equipment and learning to share the toys.

We have been talking about our families and who lives with us. We made a house with lollipop sticks and drew who we lived we.

On Friday, we learnt about how we are all different and unique and God love us all. The children had a go at writing their names and decorating them.

Each day, the children have been learning to make the sign of the cross. We use our right hand – head to heart, to left shoulder,  to right shoulder. Hands together. Please practise with your child at home.

The highlight of the week was meeting our reading partners. We will add photos next week. Every Friday, the Year 6 will read to their partner.

Thank you for those who have sent in family and baptism photos. If you have not, please send them in so the children can look at them on our wall.

Next week, the children will get a phonics book. Each night, please practise saying and writing the sound. Return the book every day so we can stick in the new sound. Children should bring in a bag every day so we can put their book in. Please remember to send in a water bottle with their name on.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Mrs Carey