Friday 17th May 2024

This week in Year 3, the children have finished off their speeches and have begun a short narrative based on the animation Marshmallows. They have been working on creating setting descriptions using prepositional phrases. Next week, we will be describing the monster so perhaps you could watch together with your child and talk about some interesting words or phrases.


In Geography, Year 3 have explored why rainforests are so hot and wet. They also created their own climate graph for a town in the Amazon basin.

In PE, we have continued to build skills in cricket with a focus on batting this week and for our second PE lesson, started to practise for Sports Day.  The children were to practise their jumping, throwing and sprinting techniques.

Click here for photos.

In Science the children looked at recognising that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect their eyes. They did their own research about the sun and created their own informative poster to teach others the importance of protecting themselves.

Pentecost has continued to be our RE focus, thinking about how St Paul himself was a Pentecost person. We have also considered how spreading the word of God started with Jesus, then the disciples, followed by the Gospel writers and is now down to us today.

Please remember that we will be celebrating our school’s Feast Day Mass in school on Friday, 24th May at 2pm; everyone is welcome!


Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara

More photos are being uploaded this weekend of the children’s art work from this week and last week and PE from this week but we are experiencing a technical difficulty!  Please log back in to see them.  Thank you!

Home Learning

Spellings on spellingshed

SPaG activity on spellingshed
