Week 13

In year 5 this week, we have been busily preparing for our Advent service this evening. They have learnt the words to the songs really well and sung beautifully in our rehearsal today.

We really enjoyed our visit from Bishop John Wilson on Wednesday. We welcomed him to our classroom and told him about our science learning. He gave us some grIMG_0421 IMG_0423 IMG_0424eat advice on how to prepare for the birth of Jesus- I hope Year 5 can follow the Bishop’s guidance.

In maths, we continued to work on our mental multiplication and division with a focus on regrouping.

In English, we have begun looking at instructions. We have identified their features and considered their target audiences.

In our Religious learning, we have drawn together everything we have learnt about prayer and the different forms of it we know. We have evaluated and compared them and also written our personal feelings about them. It has been really interesting to hear these responses.

I look forward to seeing you at the service this evening.


Mrs Lines


Home Learning





Spellings will be introduced and handed out on Monday


Scientist factsheet due on Tuesday. See Last week’s blog for details.