Week 12: 1st December
This week the children have written the final drafts of their Traction Man recounts. What has been written is full of description, strong vocabulary words which help add detail to their wonderful recounts. In Maths we have moved onto regrouping the minuend (the number being reduced) for subtraction. The children have explored how to practise both mental methods and columnar addition and subtraction with increasingly large numbers to aid their fluency.
In RE we have learnt more about Lectia Divina and have written our own prayers. We have written our Advent Angel promises and have been practising for our Advent Service.
As part of National Tree Week, the children went over to the woods in Dame Alice Owen’s school with Year 3. The children had a wonderful time adding to their understanding of the differences of our British trees.
Words to learn for the Advent service: here
This week’s home learning: here