Week 1 w.b. 05.06.23

Summer Term 2  Week 1 w.b. 05.06.23

This week Pope Paul has come together again for the Blessed Sacrament Procession. Thank you to all those parents who were able to share in the experience. Mrs Poyiadzis said Year 1 children were so respectful and prayerful throughout the experience so well done!

Lots of reminders this week!
Carnival this Sunday! Please see email and newsletter for details.

Phonics Screening Test from Monday 12th June. Mrs Poyiadzis will be covering the class on Monday so I can take the time to assess the children.

School trip Thursday 15th June- please see the letter that was sent before the half term and concert and payment can be made via schoolcomms. Mrs Poyiadzis, Mrs Lopez, Mrs Shea and three parent helpers will be accompanying the children. I will see them in the morning and on their return where I will have an ice lolly waiting for them! Please have hats, packed lunches, sun cream, a small towel and a bag they can carry by themselves.

Meet the Teacher Meeting for Mrs Poyiadzis Wednesday 14th June at 2.50pm in the hall. Mrs Poyiadzis has been teaching the children every Thursday afternoon for the summer term and is due to take over full time from Monday 19th June.

My last official day will be next Friday 16th June. I have a midwife appointment at 9am so won’t be in till after but I hope to catch you all throughout the week or Friday after school to say my goodbyes!

Thank you so much for my thoughtful and generous gifts before half term. I showed the children the play mat I was going to purchase with the voucher and I am still research slings too. I will be sure to let you know all the details of our new arrival and hopefully will feel well enough to pop in before the end of term.

Hot weather! Please remember hats and water every day! Please apply any cream before school. Children will have plenty of water and shade breaks.

Friday 16th June Year 1 children are invited to bring in a cuddly toy and a small snack (no nuts) so we can have a party afternoon for my last day.

• There are no photos this week 🙁 I got a fancy new computer installed in the classroom and only realised today that it does not have a port for the camera’s memory card! We will be sure to have lots of photos next week from our trip though!

Enjoy the sun and stay safe, see you for my last week!
Miss Lambie