Monday 13th July 2020

Good morning, Year 5. I hope you have had a wonderful weekend. Please join us for the Nicholas Breakspear Community Mass at 11am on the OLSV live stream.

Book Update

Thank you to those of you who have checked at home for my books. So far, one has been returned so please continue to a keep look out for:

Tin Boy- Steve Cole

Snowglobe – Amy Wilson

Anglo Saxon Boy – Tony Bradman

Viking Boy – Tony Bradman

Rooftoppers – Katherine Rundell

Brightstorm – Vashti Hardy

Here is your learning for today:

Morning Prayer Follow the PowerPoint for your daily prayer

Monday Prayer

Maths WALT- Translate



Questions: Lesson_4_-_Translation



English Find your learning here:Year 5 Day 1
Reading and Spelling Complete 10 read theory tests

Read your own book for 20 minutes

Use spelling frame- rule 39

Curriculum It’s computing week. Click on this link to see the selection activities available.


Please look the the RE blog for your learning this week.