Year Three 12/3/21

It has been a wonderful to welcome all the children back into the classroom. We have spent the week focusing on our Wellbeing; learning the  5 Ways to Wellbeing:

Connecting with others

Learning new things

being Active

Noticing the world around us

Giving to others.

We have enjoyed connecting with each other again and have been very active this week, completing the daily mile on the field as well as circuit training in P.E.

We also enjoyed sharing our favourite stories and celebrating World Book Day together on Thursday – the children looked great in their costumes.

This week has been Science Week and the focus was inventions and inventors. At the beginning of the week the children shared their ideas about our big question, ‘What would life be like without electricity?’ Year 3 then researched Thomas Edison, who invented the electric light bulb.

Home Learning:

Whole School Home Learning on St Joseph.  Please see the school newsletter.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend and a Happy Mother’s Day.

Miss Pringle