Year 6 – Tuesday 28th April learning

Good morning, Year 6. Above is a beautiful rhododendron spotted on my walk yesterday. Nature is changing so quickly at the minute; each day another bush or tree has burst into flower it seems. Spring is definitely my favourite month of the year 🌼🌸

I received some wonderful pieces of learning yesterday.

Luka, Liam and Owen have had a go at the D&T challenge and built what appear to be brilliantly engineered towers!

Owen also sent in his tropical island art:

Whilst Giovanna has shared her Resurrection art:

Evie and Taanya both completed yesterday’s science learning and sent me their models of a habitat for an extremophile.

Thank you all for sending in those photos; I love seeing what you’ve been learning and making.

For today, your lessons are as follows:

Subject Activity
Prayer Visit and click on ‘Start your retreat’ for a short daily reflection.
PE Stay fit and healthy by checking in with The Body Coach each morning at 9.00 at
Handwriting Copy these sentences containing this week’s spellings 1-5 into your handwriting book:

1.                Without hesitation, I accepted the challenge.

2.                “Your bedroom would really benefit from being tidied,” said my mum.

3.                Many people object to a third runway being built at Heathrow.

4.                The skeleton has several functions: to support the body, to protect our internal organs and to help the body to move.

5.                Despite knowing better, his friend’s bad influence led to him making some costly decisions.

Reading 15 minutes of
English Click here to open today’s English activities.

Find the accompanying revision powerpoint here.

Times Tables
Maths WALT understand the link between ratio and fractions.


Fluency starter:

1.      _______ = 74.38 + 4.876

2.      65,486 – 38,548 =

3.      197 x 42 =

4.      _______ = 9,742 ÷ 5

5.      269 ÷ 10 =

6.      List 3 factors of 100.


This is today’s video:

Here are the accompanying questions and answers.

Art As I am obsessed with the bluebells that are out at the minute, I thought it would be a lovely idea to have a go at drawing one. Find the tutorial here:
Music Find today’s lesson at in which you will listen to and learn about Music for 18 Musicians by minimalist composer Steve Reich. You can upload your inspired creation to the Ten Pieces website when you’re finished.
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