Year 6 – Thursday 26th March learning

It’s already Day 4 of working from home. I hope you are finding the learning enjoyable and interesting. Remember if you don’t understand something, you can always email me at and I can try and help you.

Subject Activity
Moment of Calm Start the day off by calming your mind here. (This should have been posted yesterday to coincide with the Feast of the Annunciation, but I didn’t want it to go to waste)
PE Stay fit and healthy by checking in with The Body Coach each morning at 9.00 at
Prayer Visit and reflect on today’s Bible verse and message.
Spelling Play with family members: Word Wager

•       Put this week’s words into an envelope/wallet.

•       Share the tokens (could be anything – beads, buttons, stones) equally between the group.

•       One person in the group will be the caller, and will read a word for you to spell.

•       If you think you are able to spell it, bet as many tokens as you like.

•       If you’re not sure, you can sit out of that round but you still have to pay the pot one token.

•       Betting players write the word down.

•       Those who spell it correctly divide the pot equally.


Reminder of this week’s spellings:











Reading 15 minutes of

It’s great to see so many of you making progress on Readtheory. Here’s the leaderboard so far this week: Mia, Luca and Mikey. Well done! What will it look like at the end of tomorrow?

English Click here to open today’s English activities.
Times Tables
Maths WALT solve word problems involving algebra.

Arithmetic starter:

1.       327.61 + 13.816 =

2.       _______ = 39,082 – 341

3.       703 x 52 =

4.       5,812 ÷ 7 =

5.       ______ = 5,617 ÷ 100


Click here to open today’s maths lesson.

RE WALT interpret John’s account of the Last Supper.

Click here for today’s RE lesson.

Computing Childnet Film Competition 2020


This year’s theme is: We want an internet where we’re free to…


Your task is to start thinking about creative ways in which you could make a film on this year’s theme. There are so many different ways you could explore: song, rap, poem, story/ fable, news report, recipe, superheroes, video game…


Have a look at last year’s winners if you need some inspiration:


I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with!