Year 6 – One World Week 2018

Our final week of the half term has been full of creative learning. For One World Week, Year 6 has been studying Poland. We kicked off the week by looking at the physical and human characteristics of the country, and since then have cooked Placki ziemniaczane (Polish potato pancakes), danced the Krakowiak, performed Holocaust poetry, written our own Holocaust poems, created Wycinanki (Polish paper cutting folk art) and studied a piece of music by Polish composer Chopin. They have produced beautiful learning which they are extremely proud of. We were also very lucky because Sara brought in some beautiful traditional Polish clothes and told us about the designs and when she wears them. Thank you Sara!IMG_0125
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This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 6th November) is as follows:


·         Linking ideas & cohesion (A)

·         Linking ideas & cohesion (B)

·         Synonyms & antonyms (A)

Spellings Choose 16 words from this half term (see full list below) that are still not securely in your long-term memory. Write spelling sentences for them and practise learning them over half term.

Times tables

Questions to be completed in the yellow Home Learning book:

·         CGP Year 6 book pp. 12 and 13

·         CGP Year 5 book pp. 14 and 15

Continue to revise all times tables.

Reading Daily reading, with parent signature once a week.
although believe especially frequently
caught century immediately sincerely
certain different accidentally actually
difficult disappear occasionally probably
enough favourite therefore though
important knowledge thought thorough
occasion peculiar through rhyme
remember separate rhythm temperature
impossible terrible exercise experience
horrible visible experiment extreme
audible sensible length weight
flexible gullible height strength
enjoyable comfortable straight eight
reasonable unacceptable eighth forwards
dependable desirable increase position
inevitable reliable quarter various
conscience conscious profession programme
controversy convenience pronunciation recognise
exaggerate excellent recommend restaurant
existence explanation yacht nuisance

Here are the hymns to practise for our class mass on the second day back after half term:

Have a brilliant half term and thank you for a fantastic beginning to the year.

Miss Donatantonio