Year 6 – Friday 1st May learning

Who spotted the rainbow yesterday evening? It was a good one!

We are into May and the month of Mary. Thank you to those who have sent me their flower photo/clip. Remember, you have until 12noon today to send in your photo / 2 second clip of you holding up a flower. It would be lovely if all of you could be ‘present’ in your last May Procession. Listen to Mikey explaining why we honour Mary:

Toni has sent me her bluebell drawing:

And Evie has been busy putting together a powerpoint about the pandemic and making strawberries dipped in chocolate!

Here’s what I’ve got for you today:

Subject Activity
Prayer Visit and click on ‘Start your retreat’ for a short daily reflection.
PE Stay fit and healthy by checking in with The Body Coach each morning at 9.00 at
Spelling Ask a family member to dictate the following passage to you, writing it into your handwriting book. Remember to think about correct punctuation, as well as spelling.

Last year, climate change activists protested on the streets of London for weeks at a time. Their aim was to influence the government and world leaders into acting in the best interests of the environment, which is facing its greatest challenge ever as sea levels rise and biodiversity suffers. Images were broadcast onto our televisions of protesters being arrested and charged with criminal damage after they had gone to the extreme measures of chaining themselves to factories and spray-painting public buildings. Although many people object to the disruption that the activists caused, others say that their efforts will have long-term benefits for the planet.

Reading 15 minutes of
English Click here to open today’s English activities.
Times Tables
Maths WALT apply our knowledge of ratio to problems involving scale factors.


Here is today’s maths video:

Click here for the questions, and here for the answers.

D&T WALT learn and apply effective research techniques.

Follow the powerpoint here to see what this week’s D&T challenge is.

Please send me photos and let me know how you get on!

Prayer Reflection Light a candle, put on some quiet music and spend 15 minutes quietly reflecting on your week and on these words: