Year 6 – Friday 15th May learning

Subject Activity
Prayer Visit and click on ‘Start your retreat’ for a short daily reflection.
Miss Pringle’s Home Olympic Challenge Here is Miss Pringle’s challenge for today:

Spelling Ask a family member to dictate the following passage to you, writing it into your handwriting book. Remember to think about correct punctuation, as well as spelling.

This is an incredible story about a zebra and a mouse. Late one night, a horrible zebra crept along a reversible corridor after making a forcible entry into the building. One minute, he was walking in one direction; the next, it was possible that he was unknowingly going back the way he had come. Luckily, a sensible mouse had witnessed the break-in and hid around the corner so he wouldn’t be visible to the zebra. He decided to act in a responsible manner and record the zebra’s terrible crime in his notebook, ensuring that his handwriting was legible. “This despicable brute won’t get away with this!” he whispered to himself. The end.

Reading 15 minutes of
English Click here to open today’s English activities.
Times Tables
Maths WALT revise this week’s learning.

Mathletics questions on what you’ve learnt this week about angles:

1.      Angle Sum of a Triangle

2.      Angles in a Revolution

D&T WALT  investigate the difference between the strength of bridges made from flat and round building materials.

This week’s D&T challenge might require you to got to the supermarket first. No worries if you can’t do it today; have a go once you’ve got the correct construction materials in!

Prayer Reflection Light a candle, put on some quiet music and spend 15 minutes quietly reflecting on your week and on these words: