Year 6 – 24/01/20

In our Evolution science topic this week, we modelled the the timeline of our planet and were amazed to see that of a 200-sheet toilet roll, only the final couple of centimetres represented humans’ presence on Earth!

On Thursday afternoon, we welcomed a police officer and two PCSOs into the classroom to talk to the class about the dangers of carrying a knife and the possible consequences of a) carrying one and b) using one. It was very eye-opening and the children were full of questions.

In RE, we learnt about the Beatitudes and in particular the 8th Beatitude: Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. We learnt about St Maximilian Kolbe and wrote about how he embodied this Beatitude.

We did more eco-brick making on Tuesday; hopefully it won’t be too much longer until we can start making them into a seat for the playground.

In English, we heard about Ms Lawler’s hair-raising encounter with a phooka; we also read and wrote about trolls. In maths, we have continued our work on fractions and have learnt how to add and subtract fractions with different denominators.

This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 28th January) is as follows:

English (online) à Noun phrases x2, prepositions x2, expanded noun phrases
Spellings i before e except after c and exceptions:












Times tables

(online) tasks – adding and subtracting fractions (3 tasks)


Continue to revise all times tables.

Science British Bird Watch – see school newsletter for details
D&T Please complete the measurements sheet in preparation for next week’s lesson

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Donatantonio