Year 6 – 21/12/18

I would like to firstly say a big thank you for your gifts. They are extremely generous and I appreciate them very much.

We have ended the term with lots of Christmas cheer. On Tuesday, we all enjoyed watching the Jack and the Beanstalk panto at the Wyllyotts. Your behaviour was outstanding, Year 6, and you were an example to all in the theatre, not just to your reading partners whom you accompanied.

Wednesday saw the festive combo of Christmas jumpers, Christmas lunch and the talent show – what a treat! Well done to all the finalists for displaying such a wide variety of talent.

On Thursday, the children finished their gym routines and performed them to the rest of the class. I was impressed by your excellent team working and the high quality sequences you put together.

The class also joined forces with Year 3 to create 3D star Christmas decorations.

This week, we also had our final 2 groups leading their Acts of Worship – this time on this Sunday’s Gospel reading (The Visitation). We were even treated to a group-composed hymn – well done!

Last but not least, the Liturgy Group have been busy once again. This week, they have been leading a reflection on the Travelling Nativity in each class, which has really allowed us to think about the true meaning of Christmas.

And that’s a wrap for the first term of year 6! Thank you all for your hard work. Have a well-earned rest and I will see you all on the 8th January.

Miss Donatantonio