Year 6 – 19/11/21

This week has been Anti-Bullying Week, in which Year 6 have thought not just about what constitutes bullying and how it feels to be on the receiving end of bullying, but also the potential factors that play into someone choosing to bully in the first place. Additionally, it was interesting to learn that there are several roles in a bullying scenario: the ringleader, their assistant, the reinforcers, the bystanders, the victim and the defender. We thought about how we could be the defender instead of the bystander, and the children role-played different scenarios and made comic strips to show this.

In RE, the children worked in groups to plan their own liturgies based on the Advent Gospel readings; they will use these to lead class acts of worship in the relevant weeks leading up to Christmas.

In Art, we continued to build on our skill of using tonal shading when drawing to create dimension and perspective, whilst in Science, we continued learning about light, this week focusing on refraction. We investigated what happens when we look at an arrow through a glass of water; have a go at home!

We had our second karate session on Wednesday, in which we learnt how to block punches.

The Sports Captains have started leading games at lunchtimes this week with other classes and have been doing a wonderful job. Thank you to Miss Pringle for meeting with them and helping to set this up.

Here is your home learning, due next Wednesday:

Maths Mathletics assignments:

·        Multiply up to a 4-digit number by 2-digit number

Reading Completion of 5 passages on ReadTheory
Spelling To be tested: 26/12/21













I gave you Spelling Frame logins last week – please explore and make use of this resource when practising your weekly spellings. This week’s list is Spelling Rule 39 on the site.

Other than that, enjoy your weekend and I’ll see you all for another week of learning on Monday!

Miss Donatantonio 🙂