Year 6 – 19/07/19

Firstly, well done Year 6 for the beautiful mass that you led last night at the church. I was a very proud teacher and it was a privilege to present you with your leavers’ gifts. Please remember to bring in a USB stick on Monday if you would like a copy of the photo powerpoint that was shown, as it’s too large to post on here.

Today has been a special day for the class, with a special pizza and dessert station for lunch, followed by an exchange of friendship bracelets, cards, and a dance-off with their Reception learning partners.

In RE, we have been learning about the cardinal virtues and we used our beautiful outdoor learning space to role play scenarios in which these virtues might be displayed.

Yesterday, we also heard from our instrumentalists for the final time. Congratulations to all the performers for singing and playing with confidence and for sharing the progress you have made over the years; it was a joy to listen to you.

In art this week, we learnt how to draw eyes – take a look at the fantastic results!

Last week, we said goodbye to Michael, and he led a beautiful act of worship about the importance of love.

And finally, here are the photos from last week’s Sports Day!