Year 6 – 18/05/18
SATs are over! Well done to each and every one of you for the fantastic effort you put into this week. You all gave it your absolute best and you ought to be proud of yourselves whatever the mark on the paper at the end of it.
It is now time to start work on our End-of-year Production. Click here for the list of parts from which to choose. I have given you all audition sheets, and here is a reminder of what you need to prepare.
If you’re auditioning for a male part, then prepare one of the Bugsy’s sections on page 4.
If you’re auditioning for a female part, then prepare Blousey’s lines from the dialogue on page 6.
If you’re auditioning for a part that requires solo singing, then prepare the first verse of I’m Feeling Fine, in addition to lines as above.
Here is the song:
And here is the backing track version:
We also need to start learning the songs that everybody will be singing.
Happy practising and I look forward to listening to you next week (day to be decided).
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Donatantonio