Year 6 – 15/11/19

This week has been Anti-Bullying Week, so the children have been carefully considering different scenarios. On Tuesday, they debated the question “Is there such a thing as an innocent bystander when seeing someone being bullied?” It was very interesting to hear their viewpoints as they debated in front of the House of Commons! Yesterday, we empathised with a fictional character (Auggie in Wonder) and considered what it might feel like to be bullied because of our appearance, whilst today we focused on cyber-bullying and how we can stay safe online.

We began our science topic on Light this week, where the class worked in groups to try and prove that light travels in a straight line.

In English, we started a new unit of learning based on a short film clip The Lighthouse, whilst in PE we learnt about turning in football and in RE we started a new unit looking ahead to the new liturgical year: Year A, the year of Matthew.

In art this week, the children finished monoprinting their most recent self-portraits. See if you can guess who is who!

For Tuesday next week, the children should bring in any empty plastic bottles (max 700ml) that would otherwise be going into landfill, as we will be beginning an eco-project in conjunction with the Potters Bar Woman’s Institute. Please also bring in plastic or foil wrapping that cannot be recycled.

This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 19th November) is as follows:

English -> personalised tests linked to individual targets
Spellings Words with the suffix -able












Times tables

Questions on mental strategies and estimation:

·         CGP Year 6 book pp. 12 & 13

·         CGP Year 5 book pp. 14 & 15


Continue to revise all times tables.

Reading Daily reading and recording in Reading Records.

How to complete your reading record

As you’re reading, take notice of the language used then. When you’ve finished reading, choose an aspect of language that you really liked, write it into your reading record, and then explain why you found it effective.

Things you might comment on:

·         Effective use of personification;

·         An effective metaphor;

·         An example of ‘show don’t tell’ ;

·         Good use of the semi-colon;

·         Hyphenation;

·         Direct speech that develops the characterisation;

·         Formal language;

A new word whose meaning you worked out from the context.

Enjoy your weekend.

Miss Donatantonio