Year 6 – 14/12/18

We continued on our journey of Advent this week with acts of worship based on this Sunday’ Gospel reading. Thank you to those children who led us in more beautiful reflection. On Tuesday night, the class participated in the KS2 Advent Service at the church and displayed their talents of singing, dancing, acting and reading with reverence and maturity. Well done for being such fantastic ambassadors for our school.

On Wednesday and Thursday,  Year 5 and 6 were treated to music concerts showcasing the talents of the classes’ guitar, vocal, piano and string students. Well done to all the performers: you certainly lived out the school’s mission value of using your talents, and the festive numbers definitely got us all into the Christmas spirit!

Today, we were visited by Vincent from the Oscar Romero Society. He was very impressed with the children’s knowledge of St Romero and the children were interested to learn more about Romero crosses and about his work with St Paul. They also enjoyed trying on the stoles and skull caps!

This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 18th December) is as follows:

English Schofield & Sims English Skills : Section 1 Test 5 – to be completed in pink Home Learning book
Spellings Words from the Y5/Y6 spelling list (see below for word list) – spelling sentences to be written in pink Home Learning book.

Times tables

Mathletics tasks.

Continue to revise all times tables and to use

Reading Continue to use

Daily reading, with parent signature once a week.

Spelling list (to be tested Friday 21st December)

Words from the Y5/Y6 spelling list

achieve amateur
ancient available
average awkward
bargain bruise
category cemetery
competition criticise
curiosity definite
desperate determined

Well done to all of today’s auditionees for the talent show. Your votes have been counted and I can confirm that the two acts with the highest number of votes and who will therefore be representing Year 6 in Wednesday’s final are:

Francesco, Alessandro, Deya and Claudia

Keira, Keira, Ciara