Year 6 – 12/01/18

Since being back from the Christmas holidays, Year 6 have started the new year full of energy and with refreshed minds.

Our maths has been focused on fractions, decimals and percentages, and the children have really strengthened their ability to convert between them.

In English, the class has been producing lots of writing based around The Spiderwick Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You. They have been pushing themselves to use more precise and interesting vocabulary and have been producing thoroughly engaging pieces.

We began our new Science topic called Evolution and Inheritance by creating a timeline of life on Earth. Our minds were blown when we learnt that humans have only been around for 10,000 of the 5 billion years that the Earth has existed (Weekend Challenge: Can you tell me what that is as a fraction, decimal and percentage?! Post answers below). To try and visualise the scale, the children worked as a team to map the timeline on a roll of toilet paper.

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Some of the children were wondering how we knew which animals lived before us when we’ve only been around relatively recently. Therefore, the children discovered the process of fossilisation, and had a go at being paleontogists by identifying some fossils.

IMG_0600 IMG_0601 IMG_0602 IMG_0603 IMG_0604 IMG_0605 IMG_0606 IMG_0607 IMG_0611On Thursday, we had the treat of visiting Pizza Express, where the children enjoyed making their own pizzas and subsequently eating them for lunch. We even had a mini maths lesson whilst they ate their pizzas in the classroom by discussing what fractions, decimals and percentages different children had eaten or had left!

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This term in PE, we are focusing on Dance. On Thursday, the children worked in groups to choreograph a dance to Daft Punk’s Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. I was impressed with the way they thought about symmetry, synchronisation and individual strengths within their groups, and I look forward to seeing how they develop this dance in the coming weeks!

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This week’s Home Learning letter is here.

The spelling links to which I refer can be accessed here and here.

Please remember the family photo for Monday’s Science lesson.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Donatantonio