Year 6 – 11/10/19
This afternoon in art, the class used coloured ink to paint onto their line self-portraits from a fortnight ago. Have a look at the resemblances below!
In music, the children tried their hand at conducting the rest of the class, focusing on bringing groups in and controlling the dynamics (loud or soft).
In this week’s PE lesson, the focus in football training was on communicating and problem solving together.
This morning, the Sports Captains assisted a local councillor in officially opening the brand new climbing frame; everyone’s looking forward to challenging themselves on it next week!
The House Captains this week had the important job of participating in the Walk-to-School Audit. They walked around the local area and made recommendations about how road safety could be improved.
The Healthy Living Team have been busy running obstacle courses for the KS1 children this week to encourage improving fitness; well done for organising this and for giving up your break times to run it.
Furthermore, the Liturgy Leaders have been leading the Rosary each lunchtime. It is fantastic to see the Year 6s so committed to their leadership roles.
Finally, the week ended with the Year 6s spending time with their learning partners:
This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 15th October ) is as follows:
English | (in book) SPaG – sheet on semi-colons |
Spellings | innocent
innocence decent decency excellent excellence confident confidence non-existent existence |
Times tables |
(online) Mathletics tasks on converting metric units of measurement
Continue to revise all times tables. |
Reading | Daily reading and recording in Reading Records.
How to complete your reading record As you’re reading, take notice of the language used then. When you’ve finished reading, choose an aspect of language that you really liked, write it into your reading record, and then explain why you found it effective. Things you might comment on: · Effective use of personification; · An effective metaphor; · An example of ‘show don’t tell’ ; · Good use of the semi-colon; · Hyphenation; · Direct speech that develops the characterisation; · Formal language; · A new word whose meaning you worked out from the context. |
Have an nice weekend and see you all on Monday.
Miss Donatantonio