Year 6 – 02/07/21

This week has flown by! In RE, the children were recognising the character traits that Jesus displays in the gospels, then thinking about how we emulate these characteristics ourselves. In English, we have continued using the Spiderwick Fieldguide to the Fantastical World Around You to revise how we can vary sentence structure in our writing. In Geography, the children were learning about the importance of farmers in National Parks. In RSE, our topic this week was menstruation, whilst in Wellbeing, we had an excellent discussion about body image.

We have also been doing a lot of High School Musical rehearsing this week, and it is coming together wonderfully! Please continue practising lines, songs, and dances this weekend, especially the speech parts in Counting on You and the dance in the chorus of We’re All In This Together. Click here for the playlist.

This afternoon, the Year 6s taught their Reception learning partners some skills in preparation for Sports Day next Wednesday. As always, they displayed fantastic kindness and patience with them.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Donatantonio