Year 6 – 01/04/22

Wishing you all very Happy Easter!

Our final week of term has seen the conclusion of our English unit, for which the children have written fantastic non-chronological reports about their invented magical creatures. The week has also contained discussion and writing about who was responsible for Jesus’ death; Pilate, God, Adam & Eve, Jesus himself, and us as sinners were popular conclusions for who is most culpable.

On Tuesday night, Year 6 – along with the rest of KS2 – led a beautiful reflection on the Stations of the Cross at the church. Their acting and singing brought so much reverence to the story of Jesus’ final day, and I was so proud of them all.

This morning, some of the Year 6s led us once more in the final assembly of the term about Maundy Thursday.

And they made lovely Easter cards:

Thank you and well done for your hard work this term. Over the break, your home learning is an Easter Garden, as detailed below, and the tasks set (your login details are stuck to the PGL envelope I gave out this afternoon).

See you on the 19th April.

Love Miss D ✝️🐣🐰🌸🥚