Year 6 – 01/02/19

Have a look a Year 6’s snowman!

This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 5th February) is as follows:

English · – Active and passive A and B

·         Next week in English, you will be planning your own entry for the Spiderwick Field Guide. In preparation for this, please design your own magical creature. You need to:

o   Decide what your creature is called;

o   Draw and annotate a diagram of it – how is it adapted to surviving in its environment?

o   What are its characteristics?

Click here to read the models that we have been looking at in class.

I look forward to seeing your creations!

Spellings No spellings this week as additional English home learning above

Times tables

Activities set on
Reading Daily reading and write-up in reading record.

Parent Signature required (at least once a week please).