Year 5 – 19/05/23 – Spirituality Week
This week has been Spirituality Week, for which the focus has been Walking with Jesus.
On Monday, the children wrote prayers to Reception prayer partners and enjoyed exchanging the prayer cards with them:
On Tuesday, the class spent time Praying in Colour, which is a beautifully free and visual way to spend time talking to Jesus.
On Wednesday, we went for a sensory nature walk around the school grounds, focusing on the different textures in our natural world, and on the sounds that could be heard around us. It was really peaceful and made us appreciate the variety of interesting textures in God’s creation.
Thursday was an important day for Year 5, as they led the Spirituality Prayer Stations over the course of the day for the younger year groups. This gave them their first proper taste of what Y6 leadership will look like, and I was really proud of how well they took on their roles.
Also this week in Geography, Y5 made models on fold mountains; Mrs McDonald was extremely impressed with the variety of ways the class came up with to demonstrate how fold mountains are formed.
Home learning for this week (due next Wednesday):
Maths | Mathletics assignments:
· Multiply non-unit fractions by an integer · Multiply mixed numbers by an integer |
SPaG | Please complete the assignment set on
· Grammar – Y4 (B) |
Reading | 5 tests on Readtheory OR a daily updating of your reading record. |
Spelling | Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words from the Y5/Y6 Statutory Spellings
appreciate cemetery conscious convenience environment immediately language sufficient thorough vegetable |
Enjoy your weekend!
Miss Donatantonio